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Spiritual Warrior Retreat
NLP Practitioner Training

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2022 Dates

May 15-22 Byron Bay -  

Course Only $3997

With Retreat Accomodation $5997

NLP Pathway Coach Certification + $1111


The Retrea is for anyone wanting to deepen the understanding and connection they have with themselves and with others. No prior understanding is required, only the willingness and desire to be a part of something transformational. As a result of this retreat you will have better ways to communicate, deal with conflict and gain motivation. Your timeline of life and relationships will be impacted profoundly and you will have opened the doorway to possibilities you can now only imagine for life and business and with those you love. 

The NLP practitioner pathway is for those wanting to extend beyond the retreat and work towards gaining NLP practitioner certification. You will have learnt about timelines, hypnosis and coaching as well as the abundant requirements an NLP certification requires.  The Spiritual Warrior retreat includes everything you need for self awareness and for self coaching but if you want to work with others as a coach you will require this additional 6 week online training. Group coaching will take place live on a Wednesday evening from 6pm - 9pm and be recorded, on top of this there will be some additional requirements which should take no more than an addition couple of hours each week gaining and reviewing your own practical skills in your own time and gaining feedback through 1:1 coaching with Theresa. 


As a spiritual warrior you will have gained insight into 8 key personal growth principles and will bravely and ethically be utilising them in your daily life and in doing so you will notice a profound shift in your consciousness and in your relationships. You will have chosen how to be your best and most authentic self and have access to new ways of responding which will mean so much to you and all of this more...

  • Utilise ethical influence for yourself and with others 

  • Master being able to build rapport with pretty much anyone even if you down know, like or respect them.

  • Have ways of releasing and clearing emotions

  • Become a warrior of communication and be able to meet conflict with presence, calm and clarity 

  • Have insight into what drives, motivates and inspires others

  • See without judgement, understand with out criticism and know how to create a space for resolution

  • Have opened the doorway to lifelong learning and a deepening of awareness that continues to develop over time

  • Gain ability to communicate beyond language where gestures, glances and energy will become like a superpower

  • Accurately read the energy of a room within moments

  • Discover your motiving why behind your goals and way way way much more.... 

Image by Sarah Sparnenn

Spiritual Warrior Retreat

Course Only


Image by Lochlainn Riordan

Spiritual Warrior Course

Course + Accom


Image by City of Gold Coast

NLP Practitioner Pathway

6 week live online post SW 


For Payment plans contact Theresa directly.

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